Home Remedies For Heartburn During Pregnancy
About 80 percent of pregnancy women have heartburn condition from mild to severe. The heartburn usually get worse in the second half of pregnancy, when your baby grows and presses against your stomach. The pressure forces food and acid into your esophagus, which causes the pain of heartburn. In the meantime, your hormones are slowing digestion, which means there are more foods in your stomach at the specific time. Moreover, your hormones will relax the muscle between the stomach and esophagus, which usually prevents that chewed food where it’s supposed to be.
Many women are struggling to discover home remedies that work. But there are two good news: first, there are almost many remedies as heartburn sufferers Therefore, chances are there are some methods you have never tried. Second, the heartburn might disappear as soon as your baby is born.
Different treatments work for different people, and it might be a combination of adjustments that finally gives you relief. To find out what exactly causes your heartburn condition, you should try writing a journal. Write down what symptoms condition you have at what times of day. Keep record of foods you eat and remedies you try. With some luck, you’ll be able to figure out what works and what doesn’t.
Medication is another option for you, and many pregnant women discover that over-the-counter medications like Tums, sometimes kept by the bed at night, work better than anything else. While that probably won’t harm you or your baby, you should really consult to your doctor anyway just to make sure. If your heartburn is severe, you may also try prescription strength medication.
If your heartburn isn’t severe enough to take medication route, or if medication isn’t working for you, try making a simple lifestyle adjustments. Many of these changes are the same for pregnant women as they are for everyone else. Don’t eat too much. Try to prevent your stomach from getting too full from foods. Avoid spicy and high fat or acidic foods. Don’t lie down within two or three hours after eating. Also try elevating the head of your bed by using a prop-up pillow. And try not to carry too much weight.
Another solution of dealing with reflux are more specific to only pregnancy. Yoga may help speed digestion and sitting with good posture will also help you to avoid putting too much pressure on your stomach.
Discover How Jeff Martin, a nutritionist and former heartburn patient from California permanently cured his severe acid reflux by clicking here.
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