heartburn remedies

Wednesday, 13 May 2009

Acid Relux Disease and Its Symptoms (GERD)

The Acid Reflux disease or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) refers to the pain caused to the esophagus by abnormal reflux which eventually causes symptoms like heartburn, Nausea, pain in the chest and etc. The liquid content that is refluxing from the stomach includes injurious acid and that produces the esophageal inflammations.

In many cases, our human body follows has a mechanism to protect it from acid refluxes and this is done by having saliva which then neutralizes the acid in the stomach. Acid reflux can be caused by various factors and are not limited to just only one factor. The common symptoms of this disease are nausea, heartburn and regurgitation. In most patients with this disease, the nerve stimulation leading to heartburn is caused when acid refluxes to the esophagus. Because of the heartburn, some of the patients with acid reflux condition can't sleep well at night.

Acid reflux disease causes the following complications such as: Ulcer, coughing, asthma, inflammation of the throat, strictures and etc. An ulcer is happened when the acid from stomach hits the esophagus and damage the organ. The word esophagitis refers to the process of neutralization an acid in the esophagus and it is initiated by our body to cure the damage caused to the esophagus. Usually acid reflux is found or suspected with its symptoms and it is diagnosed with procedures such as biopsies, endoscopy, examination of the throat and larynx, esophageal acid testing, gastric emptying disease , etc. Acid reflux can be cured effectively with changes to the way you live your life.

Discover How Jeff Martin, a nutritionist and former heartburn patient from California permanently cured his severe acid reflux by clicking here.

I have a review of Jeff Martin's Cure System at this link.