heartburn remedies

Wednesday, 27 May 2009

10 Ways to Cure Acid Reflux and Heartburn

The acid reflux is also commonly known as heartburn. It is a condition that is characterized by inflammation of the esophagus caused by backing up the food from the stomach into esophagus. This food is partially digested or more and usually has a high content of acidic, which causes pain and / or discomfort in many people.

Many treatments have been used with success in the fight against heartburn (acid reflux). Some of these forms of treatment include one or more of the following:

1. Sodium bicarbonate and water: Usually a teaspoon of baking soda mixed in a glass of water will help most people, since it neutralizes excess acidity. This is one of the most natural ways to treat heartburn / acid reflux.

2. Alka-Seltzer: This is a tablet that dissolves in water that is taken orally as a liquid. This product has a similar effect as sodium bicarbonate and water. It can be purchased in a store or pharmacy without a prescription.

3. Pepto-Bismol: This is a liquid medicine that is taken orally to help alleviate the effects of heartburn. This is available without prescription.

4. Clear soda (like Sprite or 7-UP): The carbonation in clear sodas can help to alleviate the accumulation of acid in the stomach of a person and can also help a person to release the gas.

5. Tums: These are tablets that come in the form of chewable containing calcium carbonate, an ingredient that helps relieve symptoms of upset stomach and heartburn. It defined an antacid.

6. Prescription drugs: Those who need relief from chronic heartburn (acid reflux) can consult a doctor or other qualified health professional. They may prescribe more potent or different medications than those sold over-the-counter in stores. They will also provide instructions on how to take them.

7. Exercise: Those who engage in regular physical activity also find relief from heartburn, and in many cases. It's usually good to do a variety of aerobic and anaerobic movements. Examples of an aerobic exercise involve fast step exercises and dance movements, as well as jogging, stair climbing, and cycling. Types of anaerobic exercise include weight and resistance training and stretching exercises. Further information can be found on specific exercise programs that can help people.

8. Diet Changes: If you want to suffer heartburn relief, they may need to modify their diets.

9. Heat or Feet Pillows: heartburn patients may also prevent or relieve acid reflux, especially at night, whether to raise his head or feet with pillows, or another object (such as a bed wedge). Propping the head usually works better because the gravity can help keep food from creeping upward into the esophageal area.

10. Relaxation: If people take the time to rest and relax, is best able to reduce the amount of stress that can lead to poor choices. For example, a person could reduce the desire to consume large amounts of alcohol which can certainly aggravate the pain and discomfort associated with heartburn.

Now Pay Attention Here-

If you want to know more about 100% natural method to cure acid reflux and heartburn in 2 days, please visit this site: Heartburn Remedies


Tuesday, 19 May 2009

Home Remedies For Heartburn During Pregnancy

About 80 percent of pregnancy women have heartburn condition from mild to severe. The heartburn usually get worse in the second half of pregnancy, when your baby grows and presses against your stomach. The pressure forces food and acid into your esophagus, which causes the pain of heartburn. In the meantime, your hormones are slowing digestion, which means there are more foods in your stomach at the specific time. Moreover, your hormones will relax the muscle between the stomach and esophagus, which usually prevents that chewed food where it’s supposed to be.

Many women are struggling to discover home remedies that work. But there are two good news: first, there are almost many remedies as heartburn sufferers Therefore, chances are there are some methods you have never tried. Second, the heartburn might disappear as soon as your baby is born.

Different treatments work for different people, and it might be a combination of adjustments that finally gives you relief. To find out what exactly causes your heartburn condition, you should try writing a journal. Write down what symptoms condition you have at what times of day. Keep record of foods you eat and remedies you try. With some luck, you’ll be able to figure out what works and what doesn’t.

Medication is another option for you, and many pregnant women discover that over-the-counter medications like Tums, sometimes kept by the bed at night, work better than anything else. While that probably won’t harm you or your baby, you should really consult to your doctor anyway just to make sure. If your heartburn is severe, you may also try prescription strength medication.

If your heartburn isn’t severe enough to take medication route, or if medication isn’t working for you, try making a simple lifestyle adjustments. Many of these changes are the same for pregnant women as they are for everyone else. Don’t eat too much. Try to prevent your stomach from getting too full from foods. Avoid spicy and high fat or acidic foods. Don’t lie down within two or three hours after eating. Also try elevating the head of your bed by using a prop-up pillow. And try not to carry too much weight.

Another solution of dealing with reflux are more specific to only pregnancy. Yoga may help speed digestion and sitting with good posture will also help you to avoid putting too much pressure on your stomach.

Discover How Jeff Martin, a nutritionist and former heartburn patient from California permanently cured his severe acid reflux by clicking here.

I have a review of Jeff Martin's Cure System at this link.


Sunday, 17 May 2009

Home Remedies For Heartburn

People are suffering from heartburn are usually in their desire for a treatment that works. Home Remedies for heartburn, and all other are available therapies. However, the effectiveness of these Home Remedies or other treatment depends on how a person can mange themselves. Even the simplest advice is not in full recovery without control of themselves.

The first point in the process of treatment for heartburn is to have foods that do not cause damage if get swallowed. Some foods with sharp edges or rough textured surface, resulting in slight damage to the lower esophageal sphincter. These foods should be avoided to prevent the condition.

Besides, beverages containing alcohol should be avoided. This is particularly for people who regular consume alcohol. For the most effectiveness of treatment for heartburn, you should avoid from these drinks, and, acidic beverages, including orange juice or lemon juice, is important. This is also include carbonated beverages that are cola drinks and other popular products.

The third point is unfortunate for lovers of spicy taste. Spicy taste causes heartburn. You have to change your diet in order to successfully treat heartburn.

The fourth form of implementation of home remedies for heartburn is to quit. The processing of natural acidity not only the elimination of the consumption of chewing tobacco, but also products that contain caffeine at a high level. This includes elimination of smoking, and reduce or eliminate the consumption of certain things like the coffee.

Of course, tips for home remedies of heartburn does not work effectively if you are not appropriately stuffing tons of food in the mouth. Chew slowly, aid in digestion. Easy to digest food, like the mixture of potatoes, soup, oatmeal, eggs, works very well. The body will heal the wounds of its own.

While these are very simple and may seems very useful to many people suffering from heartburn. You still h
ave to recognize that the determination, discipline and self-control are important to ensure that all of the above proposals can lead to the effective result, treatment for heartburn.

Discover How Jeff Martin, a nutritionist and former heartburn patient from California permanently cured his severe acid reflux by clicking here.

I have a review of Jeff Martin's Cure System at this link.


Saturday, 16 May 2009

Home Remedies that Help Heartburn - A GERD Alternative

Many acid reflux sufferers are seeking for a GERD alternative - what diet help acid reflux? If you are suffering from Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), you may want to study how your diet impacts your reflux problems directly.

Did you know that most of acid GERD conditions are caused by a poor diet? In this article, you will discover 5 diet tips to cure your acid reflux problem.

Why is Your Diet Important For GERD

Many experts said that this disease is caused from a poor dieting that hinders the work of your sphincter. The lower esophageal sphincter (LES) is the muscle flap that sits on upper side of your stomach. This muscle's job is to let food into the stomach and keep it inside.

Unfortunately, some time the sphincter can become weakened and get more damaged. The traditional cure like antacids, do nothing to cure the sphincter.

Letting your diet and the foods you eat to strengthen and heal your sphincter can cure acid reflux. Here are some foods that can heal your problem.

5 Foods that heal Heartburn

1. An apple - I remember that my grandpa always saying about the benefits of the apple. In this case, a common red apple can naturally cure an acid reflux attack. You should eat an apple or a slice whenever you feel that an attack is coming.

2. Honey is another important thing to have if you're suffering from heartburn. You should try to consume at least 3 teaspoons daily to help cure the sphincter. Honey can naturally strengthen muscle tissue like the LES.

3. Water is not a food but it can help with your problem. Avoid coffee, alcohol and carbonated drinks which can harm the sphincter. Instead, you should also drink water after every meal and snack to keep a tight seal on your stomach.

4. Mixing a half glass of milk with a half glass of 7-Up and drink it. This is a 'home remedy' that some nurses in hospitals will secretly use for chronic heartburn patients.

5. Bananas are also very helpful because they have high in fiber and low in acid which can be useful for heartburn sufferers. Try to supplement at lease twice a day.

Discover How Jeff Martin, a nutritionist and former heartburn patient from California permanently cured his severe acid reflux by clicking here.

I have a review of Jeff Martin's Cure System at this link.


Wednesday, 13 May 2009

Acid Relux Disease and Its Symptoms (GERD)

The Acid Reflux disease or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) refers to the pain caused to the esophagus by abnormal reflux which eventually causes symptoms like heartburn, Nausea, pain in the chest and etc. The liquid content that is refluxing from the stomach includes injurious acid and that produces the esophageal inflammations.

In many cases, our human body follows has a mechanism to protect it from acid refluxes and this is done by having saliva which then neutralizes the acid in the stomach. Acid reflux can be caused by various factors and are not limited to just only one factor. The common symptoms of this disease are nausea, heartburn and regurgitation. In most patients with this disease, the nerve stimulation leading to heartburn is caused when acid refluxes to the esophagus. Because of the heartburn, some of the patients with acid reflux condition can't sleep well at night.

Acid reflux disease causes the following complications such as: Ulcer, coughing, asthma, inflammation of the throat, strictures and etc. An ulcer is happened when the acid from stomach hits the esophagus and damage the organ. The word esophagitis refers to the process of neutralization an acid in the esophagus and it is initiated by our body to cure the damage caused to the esophagus. Usually acid reflux is found or suspected with its symptoms and it is diagnosed with procedures such as biopsies, endoscopy, examination of the throat and larynx, esophageal acid testing, gastric emptying disease , etc. Acid reflux can be cured effectively with changes to the way you live your life.

Discover How Jeff Martin, a nutritionist and former heartburn patient from California permanently cured his severe acid reflux by clicking here.

I have a review of Jeff Martin's Cure System at this link.